Thursday, July 5, 2012

Zucchini, Cucumber and Tomato Recipes Please!

Young mom (I can dream people!) seeks any zucchini, cucumber or tomato recipe I can find to help keep the Tower Garden harvesting at bay.  Please respond quickly before said vegetables take over back yard and home.   Thank you!

Now that our Tower Garden is a full 8 weeks old we are getting food off of it daily.  Real food!!  I love it!

I always told you I would be honest on here about my experience with the Tower Garden and you can always count on that.  We did find one fault with it last week when a brief, but powerful, storm rolled through.  Our basin was only about half full during this and so the tower wasn't as heavy as it could have been and, though it held up gallantly through many harsh blows, one gust came and toppled it.  I was watching and ran out to flip it back over and then the winds were so harsh that I had to stand out there for 15 minutes in the rain and hail to hold it.  I was laughing nearly the entire time at the picture I must be painting for neighbors, but it had to be done.  I wasn't loosing my plants!  Skyla came down half way through this and grabbed the camera for entertainment sake.  I was soaked!!!  But, my plants were ok!

Now, why in that course of 15 minutes did I not think to turn around and put the tower in the corner?  I don't know.  Water on the brain?  But, when Brian came home he took all of two seconds to put the tower in the corner where it was perfectly secure when the second band of storms came marching through later that night.

We do have a very gusty breezeway through the backyards and many a playhouse have fallen victim to it, but I still don't want to go out there and hide my head under broccoli plants every time there is a storm rolling through in order to keep it upright.  But Brian, yet again, proved that this doesn't need to be the case.

So, now she sits contentedly in the corner of our deck.  If you do not have a corner to place it in and it is a windy day I would suggest just getting it as close to the house as possible.

(I know...  crazy growth!)

We harvested our first of a bazillion cucumbers!
(we read that if you grow them on a vine they are more straight, but we are just letting them free flow and so curly they are.   It mirrors the wacky of the family anyway)

The tomatoes are coming, the tomatoes are coming!  We have 7 tomato plants all together I believe and oh MY are they starting to show their power.  I have a feeling I am going to be canning and canning and canning these bad boys.  So many tomatoes and so little time.  

Watch it!  You may find hordes of fresh tomatoes on your doorstep in weeks to follow.  

The traditional soil gardens are finally starting to take off!  We are almost ready to get our first zucchini off of there and there are baby cucumbers sprouting up too!

Sorry for the lateness of this weeks post.  With the holiday in there I was not able to post.  But, we are continually loving our planting and growing this year and all the benefits it is having on our family.

(If you are interested in a Tower Garden, you can visit this link, or contact me on this site or through Facebook and I would be happy to get you set up with one of your own!  If you are interested in the shakes mentioned above you can visit this link and contact me as well!

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