Friday, July 27, 2012

What a Little Lady... Sometimes

Skyla is at that awkward stage where she is starting to teeter on the edge of maturity and awkward immaturity.  Things that are funny for her sisters to do are not funny for her to do anymore and it is hard to explain and specially hard for her to understand.

Taking these leaps forward into the realm of "big girliness" has its perks though.  Like getting ears pierced!  I, myself, has a painfully bad (literally) experience getting mine pierced at the age of five that ended up with a lancing and closed holes and nasty treatments ( I told you it was bad).  Then when I re-did them at ten I was content and could manage things on my own.  While trying to hold out as long as possible, the months and years (YEARS!) of nagging on this issue came to a close when we agreed to let her get them pierced a few weeks ago.

Though told many times of the impending pain, she was eager to get it done!

This was her face the hole time.  There was not a tear, moan or even a wince.  When it was done she clenched the arm rests a little and took a deep breath.  She will be great in child bearing MUCH further down the road!

End Result?  HAPPY Skyla!  This was after I had a heart attack at the register after she had them done.  After passing a decorated sign on our way in advertising the free piercing, I figured, in the store where half of America gets their ears pierced, it would be reasonable.  I know when I had it done years ago it was a moderate $20 or so.  Sky's ears, with a few sale headbands for the others, came to $75!  "It is the price of gold" the unfazed clerk says as she stares at me waiting for my magic wallet to open and the money fairies to come dancing out.  Oh, maybe that was me hoping the money fairies would be there.  But, YES.  My fair warning to any that want ear piercing.  Watch out!  They will get you with the earring price, especially since they are ALL white gold.  

But, we have a happy girl, who is, by the way, doing a great job taking care of her earrings and we haven't had a spot of trouble with them yet.   knock, knock, knock

The other great thing Sky has discovered in her independence is American Girl Dolls.  Now...  we did not start this.  Word gets around the grapevine of friends and she discovered their luring addiction.  

Introducing Claire!  She went through a few names at first, but we have landed firmly on Claire and I don't think it is changing again.  This is Skyla's nine year old daughter.  I know, you do the math.  But, in Skyla's world with Claire she is 26...  I know, I know.  Still, not great, but better.  We explained things like this can not happen at 15 years old, but she just really wanted to be 26! 

Skyla LOVES her some Claire and she is dressed in the am and before bed at night and she is read to and cuddled with, has a special chair and Skyla is constantly searching the American Girl catalogs, that they are so good at sending our house, for the next thing she can save up for.  Yes, Skyla bought this.  She saved for months and months and saved for this doll.  It is all hers.

Our girl is growing up and entering new phases of life and new challenges.  It is fun to watch and fun to remember when I too was there.  

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