Monday, July 9, 2012

Home for the Fourth

I spent the beginning of the month in the upper peninsula of MI in order to give a final rest to my grandmother, who passed on Christmas day last year, and my dad, her son, who passed in March.  It was an emotionally crazy time, but I knew I had to get back to my girls to celebrate the fourth with them and my husband.  Over 12 hours in the car by myself was a new experience, but I did get to listen to a seven hour long leadership conference, some music and other assorted health talks.  It was productive at least.

When I stumbled in the door, literally because I didn't think this body could fully stand up again, at 9:30 at night my husband had kept the kids up so that we could all share a meal together.  It was a late night, but it was nice to see, and be with, everyone again.

The next morning we were ready for the parade!!!  As much as my husband tries to convince me, I just don't think I can have a fourth of July without a parade!  Yes, it is HOT.  It is boring many times.  The floats are not that exciting and the candy amounts to large quantities of pink globular bubble gum that is hardened from years sitting somewhere and handfuls of tootsie rolls, that are equally hard or melted from the heat.  BUT, I just HAVE to go.

We had a great time, bought some waters, saw a fair number of people we knew in the parade and yes...  they got some candy.  It was mostly the usual, but they did score a couple smarties and nerds in there.  

Despite the heat we crowded together for some family fun.  

I am so in love with this crazy bunch I have here.  Hope everyone had a beautiful fourth filled with family, food, parades, fireworks, laughter and smiles.


Lori said...

I love these!

Lori said...
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