Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Revolving Tower and Onion Braids

Just like anything else in life, our "Busting at the Seams" Tower Garden is revolving.  Some plants are coming out and some new ones are going in.  We lost a broccoli plant to a rather bad storm we had and our romaine plants started to flower and honestly were getting so tall my short stature could not reach them any more.  So, we started new romaine and spinach.  After just a week there were sprouts on our windowsill and we were able to put the little seedlings in the tower with the big kids.

Yes, the BIG kids!!  The tomatoes are going full on crazy and we have had about 15 now I think with many more to come.  Our traditional garden has produced four small ones.  They were super cute though!  

One great thing that we keep learning over and over again this summer is that animals do not get to the tower garden plants!!  Now that we have a mole in our yard.  Yes, you heard me... a MOLE... He  is going through landscaping and vegetation alike.  Ugh...  seriously?  I have never seen a mole in residential areas, but of course it would be us that gets ones.  We found out as I went to get the mail and my foot sank into the grass.  Upon inspection we found a trail that went 3/4 of the way around our house!  We even saw him moving under there.  Anyone seen the 1990 flick "Tremors"?  Yep...  that was my first thought.

Anyway, with the hot sun and lack of water this summer it has been hard on many things.  We ended up pulling up about a third of our onions because they had all fallen.  I am the only one that eats onions in the house, so everyone watch out!  My breathe will be enough to send the vampires away soon.  Wait, that is garlic.  Well, I am sure it will do the job anyway.  

Brian, with his super handy gardening books (manly ones of course!), found that braiding the onions together will not only serve as a great way to dry them out for a week, but also makes a great decoration while you are eating them.  

He was very proud!  As am I.  The deal in our house is that I take care of the inside and he does the outside, so when he can come up with or find these handy nuggets of information I am all about it.

We continue to love getting our produce from right outside the backdoor everyday and I am still eating LOTS of HUGE broccoli leaves and loving it.  The garden cuts way down on the grocery bill, trips to the grocery store and is leagues healthier for us and the earth.  It is good all around.

(If you are interested in a Tower Garden, you can visit this link, or contact me on this site or through Facebook and I would be happy to get you set up with one of your own!  )

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