Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Firsts and the Lasts...

When you have children it seems like the "firsts" and the "lasts" collide on a daily basis and when it is your last child they are followed with a big ol' exclamation point!  

Our "little" Journey, often refereed to as "firecracker" on this site, is going through these such things right now and everyday.  Honestly, when it comes down to it, we are all experiencing Firsts and Lasts everyday and we just do not realize or concern ourselves with them. But, Journey, being our baby of the house, we feel it even more.

Her first haircut was preceded by the last time I would brush through some of those baby fine curls.

(Lucky for us, she kept many of the curls!)

She had a last night in a toddler bed.  A first time wearing big girl underwear and a last time playing with all those infant toys before they went off to Good Will.  There was a first time she made the "c" sound and the last time she said "poppy" for potty and there will be a last time she says "c-wat" for cat and "c-war" for car (It's progress from just "wat" and "war"!).  She sits in big girl car seats in the van now and isn't always right behind me when I drive anymore.  The list gets added to daily.

(First dentist appointment!  Passed with Flying colors!)

I have a pre-schooler, 2 pre-Kers and a 2nd grader.  I know the firsts and lasts will come at me all the time and all we can do is embrace the Firsts, good or bad, and give a fond farewell, or an exuberant wave, to the Lasts.

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