Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Growing Me

I have had a helping attitude most of my life.  Mom might argue about the teenage years, but as a whole I would say it's true.  I would attribute a lot to my dad who passed when I was a small child.  He would have wanted me to help others.  He couldn't, so I will and it brings me great joy and peace.  There is so much pain, confusion, hurt, frustration...  you name it, out there!  If I could settle the dust somewhere for even one person then it was worth whatever discomforts I had.  I can be a bit shy sometimes, so this can be a challenge.  But,


This is the question that always plagues me. It is also what urged me into this new stage of my life with the company NSA (makers of Juice Plus) and what propels me further and further everyday.  I can't rely and rest assured that those people in my life will get the help they need (even if they do not understand they need it) from someone else.  I needed to step up.  I can't be the person that passes those on the side of the road that need assistance thinking, "surely someone else will stop and help them!"

What if no one does?  I was called here to this position and I have faced every shy bone in me over and over again.  I am quite certain I still have a few more hurdles to continuously jump over, but you know what?  I have been able to help some amazing people and create some even more amazing stories from this road thus far.

Reaching out to strangers can be terrifying sometimes, especially well-accomplished people because who am I?  I am just Nellie.  BUT, I do know something worth learning about and it could be the vary thing that turns their wellness around.  In fact, I am sure of it.  We don't have magic beans or fairy dust.  It is simplicity.  It is whole. It is just fruits and veggies.  Natures own cure for so many things.  It in itself isn't the magic.  It is the magic our bodies can do when given the right building blocks.

Surprising to me, though, is the fact that the hardest people to reach out to are the ones I do know.  Those closest to me in fact.  I can be whoever I want with a stranger.  I can be confident, knowing and relateable, but these people that have known me for months, years or decades. They know the "me" they know.  They aren't willing, many times, to listen to the Nellie who has something to say.  That is the hardest because those closest to me, who I desperately want to help, put up those walls.  Then comes disappointment and some frustration if we are being honest.

I was told, however, when I started this business that more than any business growth I will ever have, I will have personal growth exponentially more.  Coming up on my six month mark from starting this adventure I couldn't agree more.  I have reached out to those I wouldn't have before and been rewarded so many times with smiles as their bodies start to feel better and tell a story of their own.  I have met gifted people that I wouldn't have had in my life otherwise. I have been stretched, pulled, molded and built stronger from the inside out with my own wellness and my own ambitions.

Joining this team and beginning this journey in my life has been a tremendous gift that keeps on handing out more and more and there is no end.  I can't wait to see how many lives I can help benefit from the simplicity of real nutrition and being a part of a real team.  But, mostly, I am anxious to see how this path makes me a better person in our family, our community our country and our world.

I have to go and put on my big girl pants now and make some calls!

Live Well! Love Well!


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