Thursday, August 9, 2012

Time for Grandma

To say that this year has been a crazy, emotional wreck at times would be an understatement. So, when Grandma said she was coming for a weekend visit for Skyla's baptism we were ready to cram in as much grandma fun time as possible.  Favorite restaurants, talking, playing, silly movies, a trip to Connor Prairie, a beautiful baptism, introducing her to so many friends she has heard about but never met and ending everything with a pancake exclamation mark!  It was a whirlwind weekend, but had some of those great moments of pause in there that you just want to hang onto and put them in your pocket for later because you know you can not possibly absorb all the warm fuzzy's at once.

It was so nice to see the smile on her face and my daughters faces too.  They love to have Grandma Doreen come and visit and play with them.  With life turning a page this year and unpracticed days ahead, we are hoping to see much more of Grandma down here.  Skyla is always willing to have a sleep over with her sisters while Grandma bunks in her room!

Trinity reminds me so much of pictures of my mom when she was little and yes,  I know I fit in there too.  The three of us are a trio of generational pictures.  It is so neat to witness.  

I just finished reading The Shack recently and it explained more how love is unending and limitless.  Every person that comes into your lives brings a new love.  A new love clothed in different colors and senses.  Lana, Trinity, Skyla and Journey share different loves with Grandma and give her unique relationships with each of her grandchildren.  To see their bonds grow, stretch and bloom is incredible to watch.

Here is to Grandma Doreen and her, so far, four grandchildren and many fun, active, smiling, growing years ahead.

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