Friday, September 21, 2012

Birthday Boy!

The days come and go in a  whirlwind.  The work, homework, chores, teaching, etc. etc....  it goes on and on and I wake up and do it again.  Many mornings I lie in bed after my alarm goes off trying desperately to remember what day it is and what that means I have to do when my feet hit the floor!

But, we always (usually always) remember our birthday!  Brian's birthday, which is equal to the entire month of September when asked, is a special time for him to revert to his child like state and be celebrated.  It all works out because he is worth celebrating.  Surrounded by great friends and family we were able to celebrate Brian a couple of times and you can't beat that smile!

But sometimes, just sometimes, a special birthday roles around.  This year was the first year in many that we were actually able to splurge a little.  Brian pooled his birthday resources and bought a toy he had been wanting for a long while.  

This is a Quad-Copter Drone.  "Huh?" You ask?  Yeah, that was me a couple of years ago too when I first heard about this toy.  Let's be clear here too.  There is NO practical purpose for this flying Styrofoam from Brookstone, but it is fun and is controlled with the iPad and the girls love it.  Although, the downward wind did allow me to dust the high shelf in my foyer that I can never get to!

This is the first thing he did Sunday morning.  Outside it goes!  There is a great range with it.  It does flips and has two HD cameras on the front and bottom that can record.  My logistical mind says that if we are to have roof storm damage then we would now have the perfect inspector for it.  

I don't understand it at all, but I don't have to.  Bottom line is that it put a huge smile on his face and he loves to play with it.  He deserved a great big toy and I am so happy we were able to get it this year.  

But, when it comes down to it...  this is what his birthday celebration really looked like.  Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!!  

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