Friday, September 7, 2012

Seven and a Half Years to Barnes and Noble

It happened!  Seven and a Half Years and it is happening!!!  My girls are ALL in school.  It may only be twice a week for a few hours, but it is a weird, freeing, sad mix of emotions.  Like when I was pregnant with Journey, things didn't really set into my head until it was actually happening this week.  

Trinity and Lana are in their Pre-K year and go to Little Scholars Learning Academy in Fishers twice a week and then do work at home the other three school days.  We have units every month with cooking and craft projects, a book, a movie and all of our math, writing and reading centers around our topic.  We also have time to learn everyday about our topic and this month it is BUTTERFLIES!  Last month we did OCEANS and it was fun to go on diving tours with them, name the oceans, teach them that water actually does weigh something and go through all the movies and pictures of the strange creatures that live in the waters.  The girls are though the roof excited about this month though.  Little girls and butterflies?  Can't go wrong.  It is extra work, but it cuts costs and adds time for us to be together.  

First day for Lana Banana with her sunscreen soaked eye brows.  She likes to do it herself these days.  

Trinity with her new dress on her first day.  She LOVES to wear dresses.  Any day without one is a disappointment for her.

Next year they will be on that bus that they watch Sky get on every morning, so I will soak up this year while I can.  They were excited to be there for Journey's first year of school too.  They were eager to show her around and be there for her.  

Then there is Journey.  Journey could not WAIT to get to school.  She has been watching her sisters go for years now and she was ready!  With her whale bag in hand she raced from the van to the front door of the school to just look inside at all the possibilities.  She went in, grabbed a carpet piece and sat down with a huge smile on her face.  There were no tears, no hesitancy, no frowns.  She waved and said "I love you mommy" and I was free to leave.  


I left.  I left and got into an empty van and headed out of the neighborhood with a bag of Juice Plus materials that were begging to be worked on and this neglected blog calling my name.  When I was in college I would go to Barnes and Noble to study and have some "me" time and so that is where I headed that day.  I walked in without holding a hand and with no bee lines to the children's section.  I walked around, looked at things I never would be able to, bought a drink and sat down and got a lot of work done!

It was definitely a bitter sweet day.  It was hard to see my baby so grown up and see the time pass.  I was so stinkin' proud of all of them though and especially Journey for it being her FIRST day ever.  She exclaimed when she got in the car with tremendous excitement, "  I didn't go peepee in my pants!"

Yeah!  I'll take that.

With the tears and the proud also came the taste of some freedom.  I will admit, it was nice!  A girl could get used to some of this time every week. When I sat down I just took a breathe in and enjoyed the moment thanking God that with having four girls in as many years we have gotten to this point.  We have survived and thrived to this point.  Let's just stay here for a while now.

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