Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Grab Today

This is the message that came to me loud and clear yesterday while driving through a packed day.

My life right now seems to be floating in limbo soup.  Sky is almost settled in school, the twins are almost to Kindergarten, Journey is almost potty trained and getting passed the baby phase and the reasonable stage is on the horizon.  I unconsciously wait for the next step, but the truth is THIS step is going on RIGHT NOW!

I don't want to forget the special moments sprinkled throughout each day.  Journey's amazing little voice, hugs, kisses and desire to be cuddled, Lana's awesome sayings, ambition and facial expressions, Trinity's stories, artistry and love and Skyla's last hints of "childness" and her attempted balance of Big Girl-ness and the fact that she is only seven.  I want to take mental pictures everyday of beautiful moments and flush away the numerous frustrations of parenting four girls that lie within four years.  The beautiful outweighs the ugly, but that doesn't mean that I don't get caught up in the ugly sometimes and have to be reminded.   

LOVE this.  

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