Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hand, Foot and Mouth Blessing

Last week our little Lana Banana seemed a little warm for an evening, but her behavior wasn't off at all. She still bounced, smiled and laughed like only she can.  I didn't think much of it.  The next morning she casually mentioned that her throat hurt a little when she drank her orange juice.  Again, I didn't think much of it because of all of our girls Lana is the one that always has some ailment or another according to her.    I swear M.D. is in her future because she is so infatuated with booboo's!

It wasn't until the next morning when she said that she couldn't walk well because her feet were hurting that I started to put the pieces together.  "Wait!  I remember this!  My brother and sister went through something like this when they were young."  Off to the office to visit the doctor we call "Web MD".  Sure enough, everything she had is following suit with Hand, Foot and Mouth disease.  Very contagious and often spread through sneezing and coughs.  That means I am doomed!  I know now that I am in the house for an undetermined amount of time with some degree of sick kiddos!  "Welcome to your three day weekend!"  the fates laughed.

This was honestly the first time the girls had been sick since we started Juice Plus.  I remembered when my brother and sister had this that there was a lot of screaming and crying and very sore throats and bodies.  My mom reminded me of when I gave my sister spaghetti o's and she she screamed uncontrollably.  That was our first sign with her.  I also had friends whose children had this recently and it wasn't pretty.

With cancelled plans we had three days in Isaac inspired Indiana gloominess ahead.  Lana's feet were sore and itchy that day, but she felt fine otherwise.  Trinity started with a fever that night right before bed and crashed for the night.  Journey woke up Saturday morning looking like a leopard, but with no other symptoms of anything.  Skyla was the only one left.  Dun...dun...dun...  She never did get anything and I can only guess she was harboring some sort of immuno warriors able to combat the virus.

So, what did we do this labor day weekend?  We cleaned every carpet in our house, cleaned out the office and made more space for me.  I worked a lot.  We cleaned the mud room and arranged the hundreds of shoes we have in a way that they can actually be accessed.  We watched way too many movies, danced in the rain, ate lots of food and cuddled and slept a lot.  No one "felt" sick for more than an hour.  Brian and I battled out two great games of monopoly and watched some great shows, read books and talked and had time for us.

(Four Girls have lots of shoes!)

The girls are fine now after our three days of shut in.  School starts this week for the younger three and we are starting the fall months.  Things are great!

So, what was this weekend for us?  A blessing...  A great big, leopard print, bumpy blessing!

How was your weekend?


Lori said...

They have more shoes than I do :-)

Nellie said...

Well, when you have four girls and you find a great deal on a good pair at goodwill or Once Upon a Child... you go for it! :)