Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The end of the season is coming, the air is brisk, the wind is more harsh and the plants are giving their last efforts of bearing fruits.  We still have tomato's and bell peppers coming out of our wazoo's (whatever a wazoo may be), but other plants are dwindling.  

The broccoli plant that has been near and dear to my heart all summer with its huge multi-functional leaves came down with a wind storm a few nights back.  

This plant has given me brocolli, of course, but also served as sunshade, umbrella and my greens for the last two months!  Trinity and I loved them and we could get a couple of days out of one of those big ones! Lana Banana was the only one that ever protested them, but I think that has more to do with her inability to eat anything remotely fibrous in under an hour.  She likes her greens, but is very slow in eating them.

I broke off and saved all of the leaves and in about a week I will have to actually GO OUT and get greens at the store.  Ugh...   Not to worry!  The fall/winter cycle of the Tower Garden will be in swing after the current plants have finished, we have done a cleaning overhaul and brought the Tower inside!!  

We are really looking forward to some fresh herbs and greens through the winter!  I will keep you updated as to what our choices are, why and where we put our beloved tower when it comes in.  It is on a dolly, so it is easy enough to move.

Happy Fall Harvesting!!!

*( To find out more about the tower go to the Tower Garden website or contact me directly through this blog or on facebook!  I would be happy to answer any questions)

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