Monday, November 19, 2012

A Brief Pause

In the ins and outs of your life do you ever have those moments where the world stands still for just enough time to bring clarity to everything else?  If you are like me those times are often lost in the shuffle again moments after they happen because of, well..  the list of possibilities in a household of six people, two cats and a dog are endless so I won't even attempt it.

But, those moments are the exact ones I need to grasp tightly to, lean into, learn from and grow from.  The moments are different for everyone.  They are the ones that make you stare a little longer.  The ones that you physically feel your heart move just a little.  The ones where your eyes meet the eyes of your children and you can palpate the connection between you.  Sometimes the moments come from others lives as well, and you are struck with all the blessings your life has held all at once. A good book, like The Shack I am reading for the second time through now, can bring focus in a refracted world.

As we move into the holiday season I pray that you, as well as myself, can take these moments we are given and stay in them for a while longer.  I hope I can play in the sands of their pondering and learn all I can from them.  Our world is so busy and we loose time everyday to the nonsense and hurt and do not give enough time to the truly substantial.

I wish you all a beautiful and plentiful Thanksgiving this year filled with a cornucopia of these moments.

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