Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fall Cleaning!

When I was away in Dallas (more posts to come from that one!) my husband took the initiative of cleaning out our Tower Garden for the winter growing season.

You can imagine that a growing season with extreme temps and LOTS of growth with all those minerals would cause a mess.  They did!  Consequently, while he was doing this I was learning that a partial cleaning should be done once a month to avoid such a mess.  Live, Go to Conference, Learn and Teach!  There is a booklet that comes with the Tower Garden for a reason! 

This is the top shower cap where the water is pumped up to and then showers down on all the roots inside.

This is what the inside of the Tower Looks like!  The roots are literally sprinkled with necessary minerals every 15 minutes.  This is why there is such great growth!

Section by section he took the Tower down and he used vinegar and water (1:1 concentrate) to soak and rub down the pieces.  The roots and little baskets were discarded.

Ta'da!!!  It came all clean after an afternoon and they are ready to start our winter harvest.  We just have to plan what we are putting in, get it filled, started and go for it!

We just had to put it in the garage for a day because of lovely Hurricane Sandy's wrath in Indiana and not having it's spot ready in the house.  But, we are digging in the books and excited to start the Winter round!  

Juice Plus is making great changes with the Tower Garden site and we are getting them into restaurants and grocery stores across the country.  The main idea was to get them in YOUR back yard though.  The 100 step diet is a reality and anyone can do it!

Our first season was terrific with our Tower and we are so blessed we had it this summer.  Our produce bills were substantially lower and the education and lessons we were able to give ourselves and the girls were priceless.  

Contact me, or your Juice Plus representative, anytime for more information on how you can get started with the Tower Garden!  We had the honor of meeting and learning from Tim Blank, the creator of the Tower Garden at conference and we were able to learn from him.  I will be writing a piece on that coming up as well!  I will also be taking advantage of those great home shows in mid winter and help others discover the fun, savings and simplicity of the Tower Garden!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the great info you have here on this post. I will be coming back to your blog for more soon.