Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012!

Halloween 2012 snuck up on us and right when we least expect it, it jumped out from around the corner and shouted "Here I AM!"

This month has been so crazy.  I know we have all had months like this, but it was so crazy that we FORGOT to carve pumpkins!  Brian and I remembered the night before Halloween and there was NO time the following day.  Major Fail!  We always do the patch and pick some great ones out followed by a night of carving and pumpkin seeds and goo.  Not this year though!  The birthdays, the conference, the job change, the general running around, and a few more things I have plain forgot about, robbed our schedules.  

Brian came through with the costumes though.  We haven't really dressed up for Halloween in years and this year his going away party for Conseco was a costume party and he was not holding back.  He took care of everything and just told me to put it on right before we left.  It was a nice break from the crazy.  Well, it was just a different kind of crazy.  

Queen of Hearts and The Mad Hatter!

The next night it was the girls turn and after they all changed their minds a handful of times before we landed on our costumes. 

Skyla the Clown

Trinity the Princess (costume mostly covered by coat!)

Lana the Cat

Journey the Witch

We ran out of the house, unknowingly almost an hour late, to meet friends with a pot of chili in hand.  A hurried dinner, redressing and a potty break later we were good-to-go!  Skyla ran from house to house with the big kids and my mind flashed memories of my own childhood.  Lana, Trinity and Journey all wiped out on the pavement at some point and, content with their loot, had enough after one round around the block.  We played the divide and conquer parenting game and all met back at home for a quick treat, clean up and a warm bed.  

Thanks for the fun!  ...and, Halloween 2013? I promise to get my act together by next year!  

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