Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Colossal Convention of Compassion!

Is this true?  Am I really leaving my family for four days, getting on a plane for the first time in five years and going to Dallas Texas with over seven thousand people I don't know?


When I made this decision in March/April I didn't completely understand the impact it would have on my life.  I didn't know that I would have personal growth that would stretch every boundary I thought I had.  I didn't know that I would travel and see places I had never seen.  I didn't know that I would meet life long friends, mentors and be surrounded by a team that gives me support unparalleled to anything I have felt before.  I didn't know that God would be breathing into every move forward I made and every relationship I fostered through this business.  I didn't know I was becoming more of a woman my children could look up to by helping people, being brave and having courageous compassion for others.  I didn't know how many times I could fall down and get back up again and I didn't know how much support my husband was capable of giving me.

I didn't know I was on the verge of finding a big hidden, secret room of ME.

It had been a while since I felt so anxious, proud and loved all at the same time.  I was anxious about taking this opportunity for me (something, like many moms, I am not accustomed to).  I was proud of myself for pulling through and getting on the plane and having the courage to do what I set out to do. I was also SO incredibly proud of this company, NSA, and what it represents, how it does business, the passion and the devotion to research to make sure they have the best product possible.  The philanthropy, both inside and outside of the company, the encouragement and personal touch a company this large gives each of its distributors is very unique and rare.

This was the view from my balcony!  It was gorgeous and by far the best hotel I had ever stayed in.  Again I ask...  Was I REALLY here?

While I was at Conference I had the pleasure of listening to people that have made it.  They have been able to reach out and help hundreds of people with their health and hundreds of others with this beautiful business model that NSA has created.  The perfect storm of Direct Sales, Multi-level marketing, Franchise Ownership and Corporate America with a full benefits package, has left even wall streeters in awe!!  (Thank You!  Says the woman with four kids who hasn't been able to put away a dime yet!)

The stories, the perseverance and the team attitude were overwhelming at times.  I have never seen so many people really, truly work together for one another with out expectation or chance of being rewarded in any way but a "Thank You".

I had the pleasure of hearing from an amazing young woman Winter Vinecki, who has started a true movement among young people with their fitness and doing so while raising money for Prostate Cancer Research (a disease that took her father at a young age).  She just wishes Juice Plus would have been in their lives before her dad passed because "I know it would have made some difference".

Juice Plus and the Tower Garden have Partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of America to promote healthy living in the hardest of areas by teaching and helping and giving.

Janelle Isis and Josie Bissett were there to share their words of wisdom and how they came to Juice Plus, why they have stayed on and how it helps in their lives.

Dr.DuBois was a brilliant speaker on the science and research in the past, present and future of Juice Plus.  The thrill of fellowship, the spectacular views, awards, pomp and circumstance mean nothing without the research.  It is truly the core of what Juice Plus stands for and believes in.  28 Published, peer reviewed, 3rd party, gold standard studies and still more to come!  

I had time for me.  Between the hours of terrific training and the sharing of meals with team members I had time for me.  I worked out at a gym in the morning with some people I consider mentors in my work both in the business and in the medical field.  I stayed up and did work in a quiet room.  I walked the halls and just looked around without distraction.

As much alone time as I might have had, when you are surrounded by over 7300 friends, it is hard to be alone for long.  

More than ever I learned that with everything out there that lines the shelves and inundates our lives that you can't outsmart nature!  In every study done fruits and vegetables always produce better results than synthetics and I walked away feeling even more fortunate to have found a way to get more into the bodies of my children, my husband and myself. 

The friends that I was able to meet and share time with were incredible.  Men and women from ALL over the world gathered together with the mission in their hearts.  This is our Indianapolis group that was there.

Our Mission?  Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World!  We are all One Team with that One Mission and we are getting their with patience, persistence and education.  Not only are we helping inspire healthy living, but we are changing lives with a certain business in an uncertain world.  It not only helps others, but comes with amazing benefits, no pressure on your own time line.  The part time business for busy people that so often is a Plan B that turns into the Plan A.  

So.  Am I Really here?  Really doing this?  YES I AM and I am enjoying and gaining so much from every curve, hill and mountain on my journey.  I didn't know this would be me, but I am so glad it is.

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