Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hats Off to Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving, like every monumental event this year, seemed to sneak up behind me and surprise me at the last minute.  I have a calendar right on my desk everyday, but I can be entirely blind to something staring at me in the face sometimes.

We went up to Michigan again this year for Thanksgiving, but everything was a little different.  We went to Frankenmuth as we have for many years, did some shopping, relaxed at the house and had a fun game night.  But, it was all skewed and shifted this year.  This was our first Thanksgiving without dad.

The picture, though not bad and full of great laughs and fun, looked different this year.

The new normal is setting in slowly and it will take time.  It didn't stop the silly though!

Doesn't everyone do this at Thanksgiving Dinner?

Yes!  It was warm enough in NORTHERN Michigan to NOT wear a coat on Thanksgiving.  The next day, however, was whirling and swirling ice.  That is Michigan.
When we were out shopping Trinity had to try on hats.  The girl LOVES Hats and Cats and even Cats on hats and, unfortunately for our cat, hats on cats.

Mom!!!  Help!!

That smile looks good in anything!

Um....  not sure.  Moving on.

We had a great time with family and relaxed, watched some movies, just sat (ahhh...) and saw a movieat a theater even!  Go us!
Now we stand in the four week holiday cloud where it seems like event filled days are passing without your permission and you just have to stand ground and hope you catch the next day by the horns.

When nothing else works just make this face and the whole world will look better and brighter.  Good luck and God speed my friends, the Holiday Train is a comin'!!

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