Monday, November 21, 2011

33 Minutes For Me

When you are going along a path for such a long time you forget to miss things sometimes.  This last Friday I was volunteering at my daughter’s school after a hectic morning and then decided to fill in for a couple of Girl Scout leaders that couldn’t make it to Daisy’s.  After what seemed like an explosion of paper and mayhem getting an excited group of first grade girls to make puritan bonnets and collars for themselves I was ready for a breath.  I had only about 45 minutes to find something to eat before I was due back at the school for the Daisy meeting.  I am hardly over on that side of town, except to go to the school, so I am unfamiliar with places to eat.  I found a McAlister’s and headed in.  I had a binder of work (fun work… work I love) with me to review if I had a few moments. 

My hands felt oddly light as I grabbed my purse and binder and headed toward the door.  I had a moment to think of what I may actually want to eat.  I ordered without interruption and the total was less than $30!  I jaunted over to whatever booth I wanted.  I picked the biggest one I could find and slipped in.  I looked around, took a few sips of my drink and just sat… quietly.  I then opened my binder and looked over notes and things I hadn’t looked at in months.  It is one of those projects I love, but somehow takes an easy backseat to everything else.  My monster of a salad came and I just sat and ate and read and drank and ate more.  It was so quiet, so calm, so surreal.  I can honestly tell you I have no idea when the last time I was at a restaurant, book store, coffee shop etc. all by myself just reading and having a moment was.  I used to go out for lunches in my working-out-of-the-house days, but obviously those are now replaced with making lunches for at least three little ones everyday.  I had forgotten what time alone really was.  Sure I have nap times, but those are always a punctuated state of quiet with different troubles and conflicts trickling downstairs in the form of little feet.  During that lunch the kids were all taken care of, I had no where else I had to be and I was doing something I wanted to be doing. It was almost an out of body experience!

The clock then demanded I leave and return to my usual form of happy… my kids… and help with her Daisy Scouts.  That too was fun and it was great to be able to help out there since I hardly ever get to help out due to the time.  We did crafts, sang songs, gathered our things and headed out to our home full of little voices and needs that need met. 

For 33 minutes that day last week I was reminded what peace and quiet is like.  Time for yourself.  Would I want to trade it for what I have?  Never!  But, would I like a taste of that a little more often?  You betcha!

(This picture was taken about 2 weeks after we found out we were pregnant with Skyla.  We were on Oak Island.  This was the beginning)

1 comment:

Indianalori said...

I can't thank you enough for filling in on the Daisy Scout meeting. Kelly is finally band-aid free today and healing up beautifully. Aren't those meetings fun? Before you know it, your days will have many "33 minutes", and it will feel so weird! And wonderful! Godspeed!