Friday, July 13, 2012

A Peak Into The Future

In so many ways this July this more busy than the busiest of school months.  The hair dresser called me today and it took a good 5 minutes of timing tango back and forth to find a moment that I could make it in for a twenty minute hair cut.  The calendar is filled and the scales are tipped drastically in favor of the running around while the "sit and relax and take the moment in" moments are barely visible and stuck up in the air.  Picture an elephant and a flea on a teeter totter and you get the picture.

It isn't just one thing taking up time, it is just everything, and everyone,  needing something from me at the same time, most of the time.  Does that even make sense?

For one day a week, for 40 minutes for 4 weeks in a row, however, I am given a peak of something.  The future.

ALL four of the girls are in gymnastics together this summer. They are split into different groups, but they are all at the same time and none of them are mommy and me classes!  Can you say, FIRST TIME EVER!!!

Do I leave? No.

Do I bring a book, business affairs to be taken care of and my phone for calls to make?  Absolutely!

But, productivity has not graced this time for me.  Those things have stayed in my purse, or maybe they make it out to sit on the table and accompany me as I just watch them.  I will never tire of just watching them.  When I can step out of the action for just a moment and observe how they have grown, the silly things they do and say, their laugh and determination uniquely displayed on each of their faces when I know what is going on in their little minds, it is breathtaking.  These four sisters are growing up and doing it together in every way so far.  This petite cluster of minutes are a peak into my future of elementary school, middle and high school dramas and issues.  It is a peak at my growing independence I will have in the years to come.  Right now it feels like these 160 minutes spread over a months time not directly "on-duty", so to speak, are immense.  I feel like saying, "OK. Now what do you want me to do?  Do you have leotards that need washed? Bathrooms cleaned? Arguments settled? Paperwork checked and emails sent?"

But nothing.  Just a smile, wave and "See you later Mommy!"  from a parade of four little bodies and they go off to have fun.

The time by myself is amazing, but in the rush of everything I think I will just sit back and watch for a little while longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just sit there and watch, Nellie. It goes by SOOO fast and in no time all four will be in college and you will wonder where the time went. So, just sit back and watch. :-)