Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Whole New World

This indeed is a whole new world for our family and Skyla especially.  

We had the summer to acclimate to the switch, but it was the Panther Picnic last week that got us excited about everything possible.  

Skyla, who is going into second grade, used to go to a wonderful private school in Indianapolis called Sycamore.  The finances and logistics of this choice caught up to us and this year it just... wasn't... possible.  We dearly miss friends and teachers, parents and staff from the school, but we had to move forward.  The switch to a public school was staring us in the face.  I think denial ran so deep and unconscious that I even forgot to register the poor girl until two weeks ago!  oops! Like I said, this is all new and I am treading in uncharted waters now.

We both went into the picnic nervous.  New people, new places, new challenges and new rules to learn and follow.  Even the building is brand spankin' new!  Just opened this month.  

We could not have been happier.  The school is beautiful and filled with the newest technologies.  Her teacher, Mrs. Lee, seems wonderful and really easy to talk to and work with.  She was placed in a high ability class and it is a PBL (Problem Based Learning) school and we have been assured Skyla will learn at her own level.  The homework system is unlike anything I have seen and everyday there is communication between teacher and parent.  I have to say we are LOVING Promise Road Elementary so far!  

We had to school supply shop for the first time ever.  It was fun though!  Skyla was super excited to find her own folders and binders for the year.  Plus, there is the annual back pack find.  I would splurge and get a nicer backpack from one of the super cute retailers out there, but honestly, her taste changes every year and she loves going to school with a fresh new backpack.  This year...  Zany Zebra!

The day came!  I didn't think it would, but it inevitably did.  I ran in the morning to clear my head a bit.  I passed the eager middle and high school crowds at the bus stops.  Some looked excited and others looked like they were about to throw up.  Freshman I am guessing.

Though Skyla's bus doesn't come until 8:07am, and picks up across from our driveway I might add, she was up and ready to go an hour earlier.  The excitement could not be hidden.  She picked the perfect dress for her first day.  Pants, shorts and skirts alike were skipped over in the straight line she made for the dresses.  Oh, she is so much like myself as a child. 

My girl--- one of them!  :)

The pictures were taken, the crowd had gathered.  Neighbors and friends she has known, but never gone to school with, were all going to be on the bus with her.  

Here is comes!

and there she goes...

She loved the bus, she loved her teacher, the school, the lunch, the classroom, the recess.  She made a new friend too.  Always a nice first day memory.  She had homework when she arrived home and did a great job with it.  

I couldn't ask for more.  She couldn't wait to go back today.  She wrote out her personal goals and her biggest goal for the year was to become the "BEST SCOLER EVER" (her spelling)  We will get there.  But, I am glad this is her goal and that she loves her school.  I can't ask for more than that.

We send our love and prayers to you at school my little Sky.  Pave the way big sister, because two more Harden's are coming in next year!


Indianalori said...

Yeah!!! I'm so glad her first day went well. Sounds like a great school. And FREE. I can't imagine what that must feel like. Blessedly free. I'm sure she'll be just great! Hugs from us!

Nellie said...

Thanks Lori! It is nice to be free and close! Door to door is less than two minutes drive. BIG difference, but we miss Sycamore too! I will be thinking of you next week and sending prayers for a smooth start for all.