Friday, September 14, 2012

Do It Like Yur Movin'

I clean this house EVERY WEEK.  Except on the very rare (too rare!) occasion that we are on vacation, this house is dusted, vacuumed, mopped, laundered and one area is deep cleaned.

I have had many people ask how I do it and so last year I posted my schedule out there to help others get a good groove going themselves.  I also posted the formulas I use.

I rotate the schedule every seven weeks or so and this time I wanted to do a "Do It Like Yur Movin'" clean.  I always hear, and have experienced more times than I care to remember, that you get rid of so much clutter when you move.  All of those, "I can't believe I held on to that" things pile up!

So, this time through I ask myself when I opened cabinets and went through closets and drawers, "would I bring this if I were moving?"

Let's just say the Good Will bin is a bit more full than it typically is.  Just because you can squeeze it in somewhere doesn't mean that you should, or need, to.  If you haven't used it in a while ask yourself if you will anytime soon and what its purpose even is.  Is it important to you?  Serve an important function?

There are so many ways with today's technology that we can buy and sell things and you can make some great weekend money if donation is not for you.  Personally, I did the Craig's List and Garage Sale thing before and nearly broke myself doing it.  NOT worth it for me.  But, for some larger and more expensive items it is great.  Even better is giving it to a friend that might need/want it.  Always nice to help out a neighbor.

Next time you open your corner closet that usually only opens once a month or so, ask yourself "Would I take this with me if I moved?"


Anonymous said...

I just added your web page to my bookmarks. I enjoy reading your posts. Thank you!

Nellie said...

Thank you so much!!! I enjoy writing them!