Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ET Goes Home

My husband found a tiny chrysalis on our Tower Garden a few weeks ago.  To keep it safe he brought it in and then since we had no idea what we should do with such a tiny changing creature we did what anyone does and Google'd it!  Turns out, they just need a safe space and some cushion so that is exactly what we gave him/her on our mantle.  It was very fitting because I was doing a butterfly unit with the girls at home!

At the end of a very busy weekend Brian glanced over and noticed the chrysalis was gone!  He opened it up to find our little friend clinging to the top. 

 "ET", as Journey named our friend, was ready to be released.  We gently put our butterfly/moth friend outside and waited.  It took a couple of hours of waiving her wings around before she took off, but she did.

It was amazing that something so big and dynamic came from something to small (Brian has the old chrysalis casing next to the newly emerged friend.  We talked with the girls about how GREAT BIG things can come from very small packages.  That is a lesson we could all stand to learn again and again everyday.  Even as an adult I know I feel very small when those insecurities creep into my day.  

It was a great bio and life lesson for the girls!  Thanks for finding us ET and I hope your remaining days are filled with fun and beauty!

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