Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It Starts...

The weekend that is.  This past weekend was filled with everything fantastic and some filler business.  But, wow!  What a few days it was.  This will take a few posts because it was THAT big!

Friday I woke up with a thundering voice in my head saying, "What are you doing?  You have 50 people coming to the house TOMORROW for a triple birthday celebration, you haven't started putting anything together yet AND you will be gone all morning serving in Indianapolis!"

Oh, yeah...  I better get on that.  So, Friday was a blur of running, organizing, putting together custom gift bags, Thank You's, making orange pumpkin and pink kitty soaps (So Trinity), confirming calls to bakers and food providers and...and...and...  You get the point.  It was a day of crazy.  My mom came into town that night and we headed to dinner where my youngest commenced in the biggest public fit of her life and then we went home for a late bedtime and to play the sleepover game.

What?  You have never played?  Oh, it's fun.  It is when you put four girls in a room with the youngest being the instigator of everything and see what happens.  The grand prize is usually a brilliant scream fest, followed by colorful moaning from other participants and a very tired crew who end up separated in the end.

Journey desperately wants a sleepover, but co-habitation is not her forte yet.  We will keep trying!

This girl is all sugar, spice and everything nice...  but I think she has more spice than anything else.  Love this girl!

A very tired group emerged from the Harden house Saturday morning headed to church and was ready to start serving for Good Neighbor Weekend!  More to come!

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