Thursday, October 18, 2012

Triple Princess Birthday Bash


This is such a crazy time every year.  Four birthdays within four days of each other.  It is cake and ice cream coma for a week that, needless to say, strays from the normal quite a bit.  This Princess Bash kicked it all off this year.

Lana banana was all about the big Barbie cake, while Journey stuck with her favorite, Ariel.  Trinity chose Rapunzel this year, probably because she thinks she is growing out her hair to be that long in the near future. I couldn't deny them the fun of picking out there cake.  The result?  Days and days of cake eating!!!!  ugh...  I will grudgingly see you next week running shoes.  I will be the one collapsing after a mile.

We couldn't beat the fantastic service and price we had from Moe's Southwest Grill catering at Sky's baptism and so we went with it again.  It is the only place that is reasonably priced that has good quality food with organics, free range and grass fed beef and it is YUMMY!!  Everyone always seems happy with it and I would HIGHLY recommend them.

Decorations, Individualized goody bags for each family, food, desserts, bounce house and crafts were all ready to go at 4:30 when people started coming!

Crafts this year were water color painting stations with frames to decorate and take the art pieces home in.  We also had a pipe cleaner station where people made all sorts of creative pieces.  I had an emergency shrinkedink station ready to go with beads and things, but we didn't need it.  It turns out that hundreds and hundreds of toys and several children are enough to keep a party exciting.  Who knew?!

The weather was questionable at best and right in the middle of eating the rain came and everyone moved inside.  No problem!  What can a long hallway double as?  A banquet hall for 15 plus kids!

I don't even want to tell you what that hallway looked like afterwards.  It was even too much for Bella, our pooch, to handle.

Cake time with the birthday girls!  Brian is the only one here who didn't have a birthday in the next week!

There was bouncing, singing, eating and more eating, running, playing, gift opening, great conversation, laughs, hugs, smiles and a great time had by all.

It was a super long day and I have never seen the playroom look the way it did, but it was so worth it.  The girls all had a great time and it is always nice to spend time with great friends and family.  After everyone left and we spent a good long while cleaning this all up, this is what I felt like.  Not even balloons popping could wake this poor girl!

What a great day of serving, giving, family, friends and celebrating life!

Now, I know it is 1am, but you have to get up bright and early for pancake pajama day, saying goodbye to Grandma Doreen and heading to Martinsville.  The Fall Foliage Festival awaits!

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