Saturday, October 6, 2012

Tales from the Second Grade UnNothing

This has been a big year of transition for our biggest of the littles, Skyla.  But, as always, she is taking it like a champ.  She loves the bus, the close proximity of the school, her teacher and her friends.  When she comes home and we ask what happened at school the answer is never "Nothing!"  There is always a grand story about chasing on the playground or someone getting in trouble or being funny.

The homework has probably been the biggest adjustment for us.  Everyday homework!  Can I just say that I DREAD when I have four girls in elementary school, especially with the level of frustrated drama that can occur with some.  Skyla is a great trainer for me, though, because she is a fairly independent worker, but man oh man do we run into problems with rushing!!!  She says she knows how and then just does it.  The functionality is there with no attention to detail.  Anyone else have that problem?  Some nights it feels like she has to do all of her homework twice because she rushed through the first time.  

The world of pop culture is creeping in and there is nothing we can do to stop it.  The Hannah Montana and Bieber propaganda we have been able to easily avoid all these years is becoming unavoidable.  She came home wanting to watch a Lady Gaga video the other day and then pointed out to me on the radio during dinner that Katie Perry sings the song that was on.  I DIDN'T KNOW THAT! "Friends on the bus talk about famous people all the time Mommy!" She says with a little sideways grin because she knows the hilarity of this new-ness. 

Her independence grows everyday and yet the hardships do as well it seems.  The poor thing seems to spend so much of her time being corrected because of choices she is making, especially with her sisters.  The "I am the BIG KID" mentality shows through vividly sometimes in voice and gestures.  I suppose it is all a part of the growing process, but if I could just skip the drama I would be so very thankful.  Any chance?  Any?

She is just teetering on the brink of big kid and small kid and honestly, as parents, we are too in how we react to situations with her.  Man!  Being a parent is tricky!

All we can do is hold onto our Skyla, guide her, love her through the drama and remember that we were all there not SO long ago.  

We love you sweet girl!!!
(Skyla made puzzibits people for all her sisters)

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