Friday, October 19, 2012

The Three C's

A good small town parade rounds out any good weekend.  After a crazy Friday and Saturday this past weekend we headed down to Martinsville IN to visit grandparents, celebrate MORE birthdays and see the Fall Foliage Festival Parade.

If you mention Cousins  Candy and Cake you have the kids hooked.  No question.  The eager monkeys flew from the car and into the house.  It is always fun to see them play with their cousins and watch as they have grown.  The "big girls" sometimes do their own thing.  The 4-5 year old's hang out together and Journey just goes with whoever is around her because she thinks she is the oldest in the bunch.

Can't help but wonder what this picture will look like in five and ten years.  Oh, the years we have ahead.  Good thing my brother in law is IMPD... could come in handy!

We headed to the parade and during the long lulls between entertainment the girls would wrestle their Papaw.  He was loving being smothered by all those tiny hands.  

It was a fun time for all.  After the road trip home, showers for all we had approximately 10 minutes to spare before we had guests coming over for life group that night.  We were exhausted.  I don't even think exhausted is the right word.  I think sleep walking was more of our state.  But, it was a beautiful night of giving praise, hope, reflecting on relationships we all have with one another and building each other up.  It was a beautiful way to round out a chaotic and fantastic weekend.  

This past week was filled with a lot more cake as we celebrated actual birthdays with mine on Monday  the twins on Wednesday and Journey on Thursday.  This is always a memorable week every year and this was no exception.  

Thank you to all of those that celebrated with us, helped us, thought of us, read about us and were just there with us.  You all mean so much to me and my family.

Now I have to get used to saying I have a 7,5,5 and 3 year old!  Crazy how the years pass us by so quick, but the days can seem like a lifetime sometimes.

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