Sunday, March 18, 2012

And This Is How We Do It… I guess?

My last little girl to be potty trained is kicking my ^&*^%.  It was getting hairy there for a little while until I remembered to keep things positive because harping, guilt trips and getting upset only gets me down and does nothing to make potty a “good thing” in my poor daughters mind.  She has been waking up in the morning and afternoon dry and when I ask if she wants to sit on the potty while I read to her, she will, but nothing happens.  I can nearly guarantee that she will go during their afternoon show and snack routine though.  So…  tah dah!  Bring that portable little potty out and she can go while she is watching and maybe make that feeling needing to go and something actually happening.  My other three never went to the bathroom outside of the bathroom, but, then again, Journey causes me to do many things a little different.  She is a little spice in my life. 

Did it work?  YES it did and she was so excited and got to put a sticker on her potty chart.  One more down on her long path to those coveted panties that she tells everyone about who comes to our house.  Be prepared.

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