Friday, March 2, 2012

A Hard Hit

I was just sitting down to write an organization piece and start another piece I have planned and hadn’t gotten to this week, but I couldn’t.  This blog is about life, the chaos that comes with it and how we deal with it and move on from it. 

I, myself, have been dealing with some chaos since last weekend and, without getting into too many details, I can tell you it turned my world upside down in many ways I didn’t expect.  There are times in your life when you might be surprised or even shocked by someone you know, but there are other times when shock isn’t nearly a strong enough word.  It seems like the solid earth is a bit less reliable than before.  It feels like all you think you knew to be truth was shaken and cracked.  Disappointment graduates to tragedy for a life that may never be the same. 

After the period of absorption and reminding yourself that this did in fact happen, you might ask yourself “what can I do?” 

Some would chose to do nothing and hope the situation works itself out.  But, I have been being taught more and more lately that “this too shall pass” is a falsity.  To some I suppose it is true, but only because of those that have a compulsion to get out there and do something and do not ignore it or succumb to the idleness born of fear of the “what if’s?”.  

You just have to ask yourself if you could move on without helping, fighting, standing up, confronting or whatever may need to be done in your situation.  If the answer is “yes” than the task isn’t for you, but if you find that you are stewing over things for days and not able to step away from it and live your own life than maybe you should step in.  Step in and do whatever you can. 

In this situation I did something until I could do no more.  I texted… texted more.  This person will not pick up phone calls and so I wrote a letter.  I talked many hours with my husband about it and I shared the story with my life group and there has been endless prayers said.  There is nothing else I can do here, but keep praying and being thankful that I listened and did what little I could.  Even though I love this person, I hate what they did and that is not a comfortable spot to be in.  Chaos is never comfortable. 

If you run across these areas of chaos in your life and find it overwhelming you, try to consolidate by taking action.  Whatever comes out of a place of love is never wrong. 

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