Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sometimes To Get To The Good, You Have To Go Through Some Bad

So, when you are going along in the regular morning routine, of getting one child and husband off to work and school and preparing to get the other three up so you can get them fed and take them to school, the last thing you want to hear is your washing machine all off a sudden sound like a freight train in mid cycle.  Ahhhh yes.  That is when the overwhelming “cccrrraaaaap” feeling overwhelms you and you just look at it and hope some magical fairies come and fix it so you can have some clean pants for tomorrow!

Well, the fairies did not come and I had a washer completely filled with water and clothes.  I couldn’t turn it on without the horrible noise, but I had to do what I could to try and drain it a little.  So, I put it on the “spin” cycle and watched as it did NOT spin, but some of the water went down anyway.  I lifted the clothes, wrung them out and put them in a plastic bag in a basket.  I put the 80 lbs. bag of dripping jeans, towels and sweatshirts in the garage hoping it was cold enough out there last week to keep them from mildewing too badly.  It was raining outside too or I would have put them out there!

A desperate call to my husband, saying how I had to leave the clothes out there, I had no time and we were going to be late to school, motivated him enough to start the research for some new ones.  We new this day was coming for a while now, but it is always so inconvenient when it does.

Some great neighbors helped us out and they have six in their family too, so they understand.

We ended up going with the Whirlpool Cabrio Platinum and we LOVE them!  So, even though it was inconvenient, expensive and made me lug wet laundry across the street in the rain for a couple of days, it is a huge help now.  My laundry time is cut in half because the washer is so large and we have to run it much less.  The running cost is less, it is much quieter and looks so much better too which is the cherry on top. 

Though a washer and dryer are insignificant when compared to life it does remind me that more times than not, before you get to the hills there are usually some valleys. 


This is ONE load I am getting ready to fold.  Notice who is taking advantage of warm laundry!

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