Friday, March 23, 2012

Super Producer

This was my title for three years of my life.  Why you ask? Because that is exactly what I was.  I was a super producer of milk! 

I did not grow up with a warm and fuzzy feeling when it came to breast feeding, so when it came time for me to have a child of my own I was conflicted.  Do I try?  Is it weird and gross? What would people think and how would they react?  I am sure many moms out there went through this.  Well, I decided to push everything else away except for my child and myself and ask then, “what should I do”.  I chose to give it a whirl.  What the heck!  It was free and from what I had read and heard it was the best option for my new little girl. 

So, I repeated the feed, pump, save game for a year.  My naive little self didn’t know all about storage options at that time and what I could do with the milk.  Before I knew it the deep freezer was cracked open for too long and I lost it all.  I know.  It was sad.

But, when I had my twins a year and a half later I knew what to do and I also had someone tell me about the Indiana Milk Bank!  I was connected with a family of quintuplets.  I was able to donate to that family throughout that next year and it was amazing to know I was helping other babies out there.  I saw them and was able to get to know them all.  So, I guess you could say at one point in my life I was feeding seven children.  Now I just feel like I had a litter… moving on. 

With my final pregnancy I knew I would want to donate again and so this time I gave straight to the bank and then toward the last part of my year of breastfeeding I gave to a family that was adopting a new born baby boy from Florida.  The new parents were so thankful to find a place they could get human milk for their little one. 

During this Time I was connected with Kevin West, who through his own life struggles was able to find the value in donated milk and he was filming a documentary on the subject.  It was a gift to be a part of this great project and the premier was on March 1, 2012 in Dallas and it is coming to Indianapolis in April

We all have our own decisions and our own paths, but this was one of mine and I am proud of. 

Here is where you can find the trailer to the documentary! 

1 comment:

Indianalori said...

WOW! How cool is this? Congrats!