Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Are You a Hugger?

This may sound silly…  OK, it DOES sound silly, but one source of chaos in my life is social awkwardness.  You see, I am a hugger, but not everyone out there is a hugger.  When you are saying hello or goodbye to someone, or a group of someones, it can be uncomfortable and a little anxiety driven to think of who to hug, who not to hug, who to half hug, shake hands, wave or run from. 

I don’t want people to think I am some touchy weirdo, but I also want to spread a little love and comfort as often as possible.  Besides… hugs are nice!  Not to say I haven’t gotten some slightly uncomfortable hugs in my time, but on the whole they are a reminder that this person (me), no matter how well I know you, I care about you. 

Great Hug!

Get this crazy person away from me!

I guess I have joined my husband in the hug boat and just said the heck with it and we are just going to be a family of huggers!  My husband, on more than a hundred occasions I am sure, has surprised people extending a gesture of a handshake with a huge hug in return.  He is a big guy and there are always laughs and “oh yeah, he is a hugger!” remarks all around, but that is who he is. 

Giving joy and comfort shouldn’t be a source of anxiety in anyone’s life.  “Was that awkward?”, “Did I just make a mistake in doing that?”, “I will go ahead and avoid that person until they forget that I just did that!” are all things I have muttered probably more than once.

I understand the social graces of hugging and I will not be charging at you from down the hall with open arms and a “Where’s Johnny” expression on my face.  But, more than likely, if you know me and spend some time with me you will find yourself caught in a hug or two.

Those were some of the best hugs!!!

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