Monday, March 5, 2012

Consolidating Closets

I am always looking for ways to easy my jobs around the house.  I have enough to do and cleaning needs to be as easy as possible.  On the weeks where I “deep clean” my daughter’ rooms and I take everything up off the floor and vacuum it was taking forever!  Also, when my girls get up in the mornings and after nap, they are to clean their rooms and this could prove to be not only time consuming, but fit inducing as well sometimes. 

So, I did just what I said I do and I consolidated the chaos of toys and cleaning.  I found these great big tubs at Target for $6, (regular price!) that are very durable and have nice heavy handles the girls can hold on to and drag around.  The bottom is very slippery and moves around well even when it is heavy.  This is their chaos spot for their rooms.  Toys travel up and down the stairs all the time in my house and now they have a good home in either place. 

You can see in two of the rooms we keep the books in the closet as well.  This is because we found it was a great place that actually had room for it and the girls love to go in there, make little forts, crack the door open for light and look at books.  Fun. 

This has made clean up a breeze and I no longer have to pick up lots of things when I vacuum because, now, almost everything on their floor is non move-able (beds, dressers etc.). 

I realize that not everyone has the closets like these, but even if you keep this out on the floor, it is a great chaos bin for their room.  It doesn’t have to be pretty, just in there!

1 comment:

Indianalori said...

Sometimes I think my life has turned into one, big basket. But oh're makes vacuuming much easier!