Monday, March 12, 2012

The Winter That Wasn't

This was indeed my strangest winter of weather yet.  I grew up in Michigan where snow was anticipated, expected, enjoyed and loathed.  They cushion the school years with snow days just because they know they will be used at some point.  Even down here in Indiana there has been some major snow falls and ice storms in my years. 

But, NEVER have I had a day like this in FEBRUARY!  The girls outside for a picnic, no coats, in nearly 70 degree weather!  I won’t lie.  It is nice, but also a bit disconcerting to think about the why.  But, heck, let’s put that on the back burner for a few minutes and suck up that Vitamin D and “fresher” air. 

While our boots, having only worn them once this season, sit lonely and neglected in the garage eagerly waiting for even a mention of a flurry, we rush past them and grab the bikes and scooters for another day of sunshine and mild temperatures. 

Now that I have said this I anticipate huge snow falls for the month of March, and maybe even April.  I was not the initiating jinx however.  My daughter’s school sent home her snow pants the other day and after washing them the agitator caused a friction burn and a resulting hole.  So… she is out snow pants now.  THAT is the real jinx!

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