Sunday, January 8, 2012

How Much Tech Time Is Too Much?

For Christmas this year the jolly old man in the red suite gave the three older girls Leapster Explorers.  He consulted and debated with us for a long time on this decision and in the end we landed here.  It is durable, can be made age specific, handy and did I mention durable?  It is a good step for our six year old in having a personal game system to be responsible for and something my four year old twins can use for a while.  My two year old can watch and learn from them and she gets more ipad time for herself as a result…which she LOVES probably more than she should.

Now that my twins can use the computer too they love to go on there and play starfall while their little sister looks on. is an awesome website with a free portion and extra, at, that is an annual fee of $35.  Well worth it if you ask me for what it teaches and the girls are very engaged in it while working on computer skills. 

My question is, that between the PC, the Explorers and the ipad how much is too much?  I have always had more of the “hands on” philosophy when it comes to learning and not the “glued to a screen” idea, but there is something to be said for what they can teach.  Their math, spelling, vocabulary, problem solving and hand eye coordination skills are really challenged and they all get so excited when they beat a level. 

I want to fill all their time with crafts, singing, dancing, writing, trips to amazing places and looking through books together.  But, our reality is much less fascinating and open to that sort of life.  With everything that we keep up with in our day to day we try and squish in as much of this time as possible, but it certainly isn’t every moment.  We decided that they are allowed about 15-20 minutes of “electronic time” a day.  They do have them in their rooms at naptime though which can lead to more playing time.  This is actually a great solution for my twins who share a room.  One is a good sleeper and the other could have abandoned naps years ago.
We have only been going at this a couple of weeks, but it seems to be working.  Everything is always a work in progress and this is no exception.  But, they love their time with their toys and it cracks me up, and amazes me, to see them so in tune to these devises in their little hands. 

The salt of life is diversity, learning from all different aspects and means and so I guess this is just one more of those ways.  I know electronics can be a slippery slope, but we have no intention, or financial backing, of letting our children become room bound, screen loving, hermits.  A healthy respect for all modes of learning is (hopefully) taught and appreciated around here.   Wish me luck!

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