Monday, January 23, 2012

Sometimes Fun Fails

The girls were SO excited at the chance to all have a sleepover one night together.  It has not been done before with all four because little Miss Journey can be an instigator in so many ways.  But, we were willing to give it another try.

All nestled in my twin girls bedroom (because it is the only one big enough to house all the little monkeys and not have them tripping on each other) the kisses and hugs began.  Journey crawled in with Trinity and Skyla with Lana.  We were ready to go.  With a hesitant “goodnight!” we turned off the light and shut the door. 

Brian and I made it to the foot of the stairs before the door opened, but this time it was only a bathroom break for someone.  The giggles were continuous with one starting as another had to take a breath.  It was precious, truly. 

The moments of giggles and novelty wore off after about ten minutes when they realized they were actually tired after a busy day and a late bedtime.  All, except for Journey that is.  The complaints started rolling in that she wouldn’t be quiet and she wouldn’t stay in bed.  What started with such fun and smiles was now tears and frustration.  After a warning we were forced to take a VERY sad Journey back to her own room.  She was upset, but also very tired.  Some mommy and daddy singing, cuddles and blankie did the job and the house was quiet within minutes.  In the middle of the night Skyla meandered back to her own room as well.  So, by morning all were in their own beds again.  It was a great ten minutes or so though!!! Does any of this stop them for asking for another sleepover nearly every night since?  NO, of course not!!

Oh, what on earth will I do with these girls?  Just love them I guess.  It is the best thing and the only thing I can do for them I say as I shake my head back and forth with a smile from ear to ear. 

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