Friday, January 20, 2012

Wiiiii !!!!!

We have been really trying to clean up the playroom, get homework done and eat dinner before 6:30 at night lately so we can share in some family fun time before bed.  Go Fish is a clear winner because you get to mess the pile in the middle up and who doesn’t like to be a little crazy making a card mess? Pretty, Pretty Princess has gone surprisingly well although we do have some not so happy “un-princesses” at the end.  They weep and cry out that they will NEVER be the princess!  It is all very dramatic as you might imagine four little girls playing a princess game might be.  War didn’t seem to go over very well, but UNO was a lot of fun. 

One night we broke out the Wii and started bowling.  We told them they needed to practice because Grandpa Gene likes to bowl and they can play with him some time.  That seemed to get their little arms swinging.  It was fun to watch them cheer and lean one way and then another to guide the ball down the isle.  Some balls took minutes to get down the isle, but would result in a strike and many cheers.  Sometimes they were gutter balls and that is the way the cookie crumbles girls.  You need to win and lose in this life.  They both teach us great things.  It is so much fun to play with them and just have that time at the end of the busy day.  Good memories…good times!!!

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