Thursday, January 26, 2012

The One Day Wonder

The weather in Central Indiana has been anything but predictable this winter.  Within a day there are swings of 35 plus degrees.  I can’t keep up, so when we saw the opportunity to head out and get a snowman built we took it.  It wasn’t bone chilling cold and there was still actual white stuff on the ground to play in. 

Daddy and the girls were busy making the largest snowman bottom ever!  When it came time for the second ball he asked me to help him lift and that thing wasn’t budging.  I am sure we looked like a cast of clowns out there falling all over the place and laughing so hard we could hardly keep building.

His official name was “Snowy Frosty Harden” to accommodate everyone’s wants. 

But wait!  We can’t be done yet!  No way, Brian has to add a little something more to this colossal snowman.  What snowman is complete without his snowdog of course!  That man is always surprising me.

Here boy!  Time for a walk.

1 comment:

Molly said...

You guys are so funny.