Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Look Back at Christmas 2011

This years holiday season was a confetti party of emotions, hectic schedules, driving, more driving, parties, gifts and craziness.  When I look back it really is a blur, but there were some great times that stood out. 

Our first celebration incorporated six cousins, between the ages of six and two, all playing and smiling at my sister in laws house.  Between the awesome drawing wall, sweets pouring from the edges of the kitchen, gifts, grandparents and finding hidden food scattered about the playroom there was never a dull moment.  Though I can’t help but wonder what this table will look like ten years from now, I think it is just perfect to see them all together at this moment. Goofy smiles, rambunctious attitudes and silly laughs all around.

The girls are sitting in front of the tree in the spot I have sat for so many years of my own life.  We traveled up to Michigan to celebrate Christmas with my parents and extended family.  It was a whirlwind trip, but great to see the family.  The girls opened and played with their gifts all day.

Journey had fun being Rapunzel with the new wig.

Grandma was getting a full beauty treatment and doctor visit all in one that day!

One of the days that really stuck out to me was when we played outside.  It was a beautiful winter day and not too cold.  We walked around the block, played on the swing set and just got out some of that energy that had festered for a while.  We all know festered energy turns into “what trouble can I get into” energy… so it is good to get it out. 

It was so fun to play with them and watch them.  I really try to take mental pictures of these moments to keep with me.

Christmas Eve service was amazing!  Breathtaking really.  The singing, the people, the togetherness, the snow in the auditorium, Silent Night being sung while the entire church body joined hands and my own little girls were there to take part in it.  We were in the third balcony up and to look down at this sea of people hand in hand was beautiful.
Then it was dinner time at the Japanese restaurant where they cooked on our table and the girls loved it.  Home for cookies on Santa’s plate and some carrots for the reindeer of course! 

Then it was CHRISTMAS MORNING!!!  We managed to stay in bed until 7am, but the kiddos were not having it any later than that.  Stockings, Santa letters, gifts and playing while Christmas pancakes were being made.  Good times…

Time to drive again and it’s down to Bloomington this time.  I love this picture of my Lana Banana curled up on her Uncle Jim’s lap.  She stayed for a while and just rested with him. 

In the wake of all the festivities we also had some loses this year.  Just catching our breath from Brian’s grandfather passing in November we were hit with a loss of Skyla’s teacher’s son in mid December.  While we didn’t know him personally our hearts ached for Mrs. Sandy.  The school rallied behind her and offered her as much support as we could.  Then on Christmas morning I received a call from my mom saying that my grandmother had passed that morning.  Christmas morning was suddenly turned upside down.  I hadn’t seen my Grandmother in quite some time and she had spent her last nine years in a nursing home and mentally slipped away a long time ago.  But, when you expect something for so long you begin to not expect it anymore.   I know she is in a better place now and seeing all those that have gone before her.  She can be at rest now, but I have many great memories to hold on to.

Christmas 2011 is all wrapped up and packed in the memory boxes now and we can look forward to the year ahead and all the amazing opportunities that lie before us.  I hope your holiday was remarkable and brimming with holiday magic. 

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