Thursday, January 5, 2012

Snapshots To Remember

I have mentioned before that in the midst of crazy I try and take mental snapshots of things so I can always remember certain moments.  If I am lucky I get some of those with the actual camera as well.

We have all been there…  in the midst of crazy land when all things seem uprooted and disorganized enough to look, or feel, like a party of angry giants just trampled through.  But, somehow, in those moments you catch something out of the corner of your eye, or even in the ones surrounding you that you are furious with, that brings you back.  You might even have to hide a smirk as to not let the enemy know you might be breaking down the walls!  Or maybe you are just going about in your day to day routine and notice something that you know you want to remember.  An adorable conversation between sisters worth perserving, someone trying something new for the first time or something that you see that you just have no words.

That is what was happening here.  A simple painting project turn disaster, but what do I see when I am cleaning up random pools of purple-yellow-blackish paint?  My youngest, covered in paint, eating an Oreo to boot.  Seriously?  That’s my girl!

Tis’ life!  The endless series of ups and downs, curves and loops, right side up and inside out messes.  It is a ride.  Just love those you are on the ride with and never let go.

I hope I can share more of these “snapshot” moments with you as time goes on.   

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