Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy 50!!!!!!!

Why am I smiling??? Why 50????  Because I have hit my 50 blog posts mark and I feel like celebrating!  I started this entire endeavor on August 10th of last year and in 169 days I have been able to write and share my stories, my thoughts and my ideas 50 times!  This has been, and is, a great opportunity for me in many ways and I really enjoy it.

Thank you all SO much for reading!!  Your inspiring comments on line, on facebook and to me personally have truly fueled my fire for many, many more blog posts to come.  My goal, as always, is to help and share positivity with the world as best I can and this is one of my platforms to do that.  None of us have everything figured out, but maybe collectively we can all get through parenting, marriages, friendships, faith and life by giving and accepting those morsels of goodness that fall in our path.

Thank you again and cheers to the next 50 and beyond!

1 comment:

MOM said...

Congrats Nellie.....I have read every one of them and can't wait for the next 50. :)